[Global] TikTok/SNS Content Strategist


A TikTok/SNS Content Strategist plans and manages 'viral content strategies.'

Job Description

We are seeking a dynamic and creative SNS Content Strategist to spearhead our content strategy on platforms like TikTok, and Instagram. As our Content Strategist, you will be the architect of our TikTok/SNS presence, crafting strategies that resonate with current trends and drive significant viewer engagement


  • Strategically conceptualize, plan, and manage content specifically for TikTok to ensure viral appeal
  • Work closely with content creators to produce trend-driven, engaging, and shareable content
  • Monitor and leverage TikTok trends, user behavior, and analytics to inform and adapt content strategies
  • Ensure a consistent and timely content production schedule, optimizing for peak engagement times
  • Regularly report on content performance, trends, and strategy effectiveness to stakeholders
  • Engage with the TikTok community to foster a loyal and active follower base


  • Strong portfolio demonstrating experience in planning or producing content that has gone viral on TikTok
  • Deep understanding of TikTok's unique platform dynamics, trends, and user behavior
  • Exceptional creativity and a talent for storytelling aligned with current social media trends
  • Robust skills in project management and communication
  • Experience in working collaboratively with creative teams and content creators


  • Background in social media marketing or digital content creation, with a focus on TikTok.
  • A track record of growing TikTok accounts through strategic and innovative content planning

Employment Type

  • Full-time
  • Remote

The hiring process

  • Document screening > First interview > Task assignment > Second interview > Reference check - Compensation negotiation > Offer > Joining the Forsit team
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[Global] TikTok/SNS Content Strategist

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Career Information 1
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Career Information 3
Career Information 4
Career Information 5

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  • 채용 관련 부정 청탁을 한 경우
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  • 지원서를 포함해 채용 전형에서 제출한 내용이 사실과 다르거나 문서로 증빙이 불가할 경우, 
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